The logo design process can be a daunting task, if not done strategically. There may be many questions about budget concerns, themes, and business goals. A strong and compelling logo is one that is able to incorporate all of these in a single format.

In order to make sure you design the best logo, you may first need to follow a step-by-step procedure that determines what makes up a good logo. It includes elements like your brand’s personality, your target audience, and the style of your logo. Once you have gathered all the relevant information you may be able to create a logo that best defines your brand.

In this article, we will give a quick rundown of the main functions and characteristics of a good logo. This way, right from the outset of the logo design process, you’ll know exactly how to set your logo up for success.


1.     Identify your Brand Persona

A clever logo sets the tone of your brand. It helps identify your brand and distinguishes it from the competitor. Therefore the first step to your logo design process should be to know the brand’s story. It includes a timeline of how a brand started, what struggles it faced and how did it get to this point. Every relevant piece of information you can get about the organization and the individuals who work there will help your design successfully in the long term.

The aesthetics of a logo may also play a role in a brand’s identity. If it’s a fashion brand, for example, the logo should have a classy and elegant theme. If it’s a sports brand, though, the concept might be more vivid and lively.

2.     Know your Target Audience

Your logo should be directed towards and understood by your target audience. After all, your brand is serving them. It should therefore be appropriate and relevant. For example, a brand for children may have an imaginative and colorful logo. Whereas a brand for adults may focus more on the concept than the visuals.

An article suggested that a logo only has any meaningful interpretation when it is associated with a product, a service, a company, or a corporation. It gets its meaning and utility from the quality of the thing it represents. If a company is second-rate, the logo will become second-rate as well. It’s therefore unwise to expect a logo to fulfill its job right away before an audience has been adequately prepared.


3.     Communicate your USP

When the brand is building its presence, the first thing it has to do is to create an identity that is different from the rest. Logos are one step towards that aim. Whilst creating a strong and compelling logo, you need to be creative and imaginative so that your audience remembers you. Think of how your brand persona and play with ideas to create a humorous logo that strikes out.

It will be a lot easier for you to make design decisions that complement and complete that picture if you have a clear sense of what makes you special and what your brand is all about.

BMW’s logo pays homage to the company’s aviation history. The logo depicts a propeller in action, with the sky represented by the blue portion. This is owing to the company’s role in WWII in producing aircraft engines for the German military.

Amazon has an arrow that connects A to Z, symbolizing that the company offers everything from A to Z. The arrow joins in such a way that it resembles a smiling emoji.

4.     Work on the Design

Once you have gathered all the elements of a brand, the next thing is to work on the design. Your logo design process should consist of creativity, simplicity, and usability.


To stand out in n industry, you need a logo that catches people’s attention and makes them want to learn more about your company. Some of the best logos are able to convey concepts and brand values in a creative, aesthetically pleasing manner.

Unilever’s logo comprises all of the brands that come under their umbrella. They managed to creatively visualize their corporate value in their logo. The U-shaped logo design represents ‘vitality mission’ whereas each of the 25 symbols within the U shape is the sub-brands that represent their efforts to make sustainable living the norm.

It features the DNA or double helix, which represents bioscience; a bee, which represents hard labor and biodiversity; a strand of hair, which represents beauty; a spoon, which represents nutrition, and 20 other relevant symbols.


A good logo is one that is able to communicate the brand’s value effortlessly. Your logo design should not confuse your audience. It should be unique and at the same time easy to comprehend.

A simple logo can be defined as one in which design components have been reduced to their minimal essentials or one in which clean typography has been used. Simple logos, despite their difficulty in design, are frequently more memorable when designed correctly.

Nike, one of the most renowned sportswear brands, excels in creating a logo that is simple, memorable, and conceptual. The logo consists of a swoosh symbol that represents motion and speed. It has the most basic colors that is black and white with a simple font and style.

Nike was able to communicate its brand’s value proposition in the most stylish manner. Today, it is one of the most recognizable and valuable brand logos in the world, with a value of $26 billion alone.


An effective logo is one that rightfully serves the purpose it was intended for. It should be able to work on a variety of media and applications. The logo should be designed in a way that can be adjusted in various sizes and formats whether it’s on print or on a physical product. It should also keep the printing cost in mind. A logo with black or white color can save a lot on the cost. The more colors used, the more expensive it may get for your business.

Dexterous is a talented digital marketing agency. The logo used for their brand is designed in a way that is simple, readable, and adjustable. It can be easily used in various styles and formats, whether it’s a billboard or a postage stamp. Their logo design portfolio is also next level.

5.     Evaluate & Finalize

The most important part of your logo design process is to see the viability of your logo. Your logo needs to look relevant on all platforms. It needs to be the most practical fit for your business. Therefore, make sure you keep testing the logo on relevant styles such as book covers, bags, and business cards to arrive at the best solution.

Other brand identification aspects that should be specified in your style guide include color palette, font system, photography style, possibly graphics, animations, and other features.

Your logo defines your brand

Finally, it is important to note that great logos are a result of strategic and smart thinking. You need to keep exploring, researching and testing your logo before you come up with the best draft. Every aspect of your logo should be carefully examined from colors, font to the final concept. You need to be creative and imaginative in your logo design process, keeping the needs of your business in mind.

You’re now ready to take off and build a logo that you can safely call good now that you know what to look for. If you need assistance in designing an effective logo, consider hiring a professional logo designer to transform your concept into a wonderful logo that you can be proud of.

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