Digital marketing is evolving every day. Brands are realizing that they must focus on more than just one thing in order to grow their business. With the changing landscape of the modern world, brands need to adapt and make changes to their marketing strategy to keep up.

In times of pandemic, digital marketing has been the focus of many brands, but this is evolving quickly. The future of digital marketing for a company will be to blend together digital and physical marketing. A clever brand will incorporate the latest digital marketing trend into its online campaigns and help the business reach new heights.

In this article, we have discussed the most ground-breaking marketing strategies to follow in 2022 to help your brand stay ahead of the curve.

Video Content

Video has become the most popular form of marketing to engage, interact and educate with your audience. The rise of video content has also taken place after the pandemic as it has become a good source of entertainment. According to a survey by Renderforest, 78% of users got more traffic to their websites after using videos. In other survey by Hubspot, it was suggested that 93% of firms claim to have gained new customers as a result of videos posted on their social media pages.

So, how can marketers benefit from it in the near future? There are multiple tools and platforms that can be leveraged for video marketing.

Display Advertising Campaign

Display advertising is a style of marketing that uses various platforms, such as a website or social media, to attract customers to take a specific action. Video Ads are the most interactive way to engage with your audience. By using videos in your display ad campaigns, there’s a higher chance of captivating customer’s attention and driving it to your brand. According to a Bitebale survey from 2021, the clear majority, 74% believe that videos outperform static graphics in terms of ROI.

Voice Assistance

Speaking comes more naturally and effortlessly than typing. Voice assistance has therefore become the new digital marketing trend. It’s the most effective form of communication with your audience. There are various forms of voice assistance technology that can be used in your videos, such as Google, Siri, Alexa and Cortana. This way your message is more clearly communicated with your audience. Incorporating voice assistance in your video ads will result in meaningful customer interactions. Voice advertising helps customers be more mentally engaged so there’s a better chance of recalling the brand and making a purchase.

What Marketers should do?

  • Short Videos
    In order for a video ad to perform better, there should be short and engaging videos. A survey suggested that 33% of viewers are likely to lose attention and stop watching a video after 30 seconds, 45% by one minute and 60% by two minutes. Communicate with your audience with a short video that captivates audience attention, so your ad has better chances of converting.
  • Visual content
    A recent study by Elite Content Marketer suggested that 66% people prefer a video to learn about the product or service. Only 18% would rather read a text-based article, website or post. Marketers should focus on blogs that have more visual and graphical representation so the audience is more engaged and able to understand the product.
  • Video Ads without sound
    Another digital marketing trend is to create video ads that focus less on sounds. A research by Tead suggested that 66% of people hated when the video automatically plays with sound. Therefore, in order to engage the audience it is important to create videos that are better able to visually communicate the message.
  • Product Tours
    In the recent years, brand have focused more on giving visual tour of the product. This encourages viewers to have better knowledge of the product and be more interested in what the brand has to offer. It builds brand awareness, helps brand recall and may encourage the customer to purchase your product.
  • Advertise in video games
    During the pandemic, the number of people playing video games have increased. With that development, video games have become a good platform to advertise on. Given that the target audience is present there. Advertiser should consider this digital marketing trend as an important platform. They can put ads on various formats such as, interstitial ads, banner ads or reward ads.


Artificial Intelligence

Artifical intelligence is now a new digital marketing trend. The use of AI powered marketing is increasing day by day. It can be used to automate many aspects of your digital marketing strategy. For example, you can use it to analyze the content for keywords, improve your website’s ranking, and much more.

Artificial intelligence helps leverage consumer data to predict their behaviour and buying patterns. With the help of artificial intelligence, brands can create strategies that improve ad performance, such as CTR, bids and targeting. According to a survey conducted by trueNorth, 61% of marketers consider artificial intelligence to be the most crucial component of their data strategy.

AI assists organisations in addressing one of today’s most pressing business challenges: consumer acquisition. As a result, businesses that fully utilise AI will have a competitive advantage over their competitors. Here’s how:

Automated Strategy for keywords

AI is an advanced step towards improving business performance and ad results. Marketers can have a deeper understanding of customers and so can provide them with personalized ads. This way the customer’s relationship with the brand becomes more natural.

AI can optimize long tail keywords which are otherwise hard to do with rules based optimization. This is how AI can help with your marketing strategies

  • A/B Testing
  • Automated bidding strategies
  • Ad performance based on quality score including ad relevance and CTR estimates
  • Bid recommendation to achieve maximum traffic


Social Media Developments

Although many businesses are still unaware of the importance of social media marketing, it’s becoming more and more important with every passing year. A business is no longer just competing against other businesses in their particular industry. Now, they are competing with any business that exists on the internet. With so much competition, it’s become essential for brands to take advantage of social media marketing services which can help them reach a wider audience.

According to the most recent data, the use of social media platforms for marketing has increased by more than 5 times in just two years. It is predicted that this number will grow fourfold by 2022. If we go by the current digital marketing trend, social media will be an even more integral part for marketers.


Shoppable Posts

Shoppable posts are a recently added feature on Instagram in which businesses can tag and list products directly from the social media platforms (feed posts, reels, IGTV videos and Instagram stories). With the help of this feature, brands can easily direct their followers towards their website. It brings customers one step closer to conversion.

A good marketing strategy for 2022 will be to incorporate this feature in their content to make their posts more shoppable and conversion-focused. You can be a great storyteller and a great marketer while expressing your brand identity and optimising the success of your campaign and creatives.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is a growing digital marketing trend that help brands reach out to a larger audience. Instagram keeps updating and adding more tools and features that can help brands and creators collaborate together.

A new trend that will follow in 2022 is the rise of micro influencers. Since every business has a given budget for marketing, investing in well-known influencers can be too costly. Thus, a smart strategy is to collaborate with influencers not on the basis of followers but on how credible they are. According to a study by Later, the fewer an influencer’s Instagram following, the higher their average engagement rate. It has also been observed that with steady engagement rates and supportive communities, micro influencers will continue to shine. Brands therefore need to carefully analyse infuencers and put their money on the ones that have a strong relationship with their followers. This way they will be better able to build brand credibility.

Paid Ads

As the New Year approaches, there have been a few changes in the way you market your brand through paid advertisements. The new iOS 14 update will drastically change how marketers advertise on social media platforms. Apple allows its user to accept or decline cookies that pop on their websites and other platforms. This digital marketing trend will make it difficult for advertisers to understand consumer behaviour and insights. Over time, as these changes take effect, you may notice a decrease in overall ad performance and personalization, as well as an increase in cost per action.

The new update will make it difficult for small businesses to reach out to their target audience and predict consumer patterns. As a result, they may not be able to personalize their ads for better performance. They may also not be able to drive more sales to their website. This will significantly impact their conversion rates and revenue.


The digital marketing trend is always changing, but the underlying tools that support the process remain the same. It’s important to know what these foundational tools are in order to stay relevant.

Successful digital marketers will be the ones that know how to combine data with creativity and emotion to make an impactful message that speaks to their audience.

Digital marketers of the future will work with AI writers and AI assistants to create valuable content. It’s not about having one or the other, but using all of them together in order to create a brand message that will resonate with your audience.

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