We all know that Google is the search engine of choice for most of us, and has grown into a behemoth company in recent years. But did you know that Google also provides an advertising network? And once used properly, it works wonders on your business.

According to a 2019 survey conducted by Search Engine Land, 63% of users claimed they have clicked on Google ad after conducting a search query. Statistics showed 86% of people use Google maps to find the location of a small business. These location based searches are used to purchase from their respective store location. These figures show that Google is the unchallenged market leader in search engines. You can advertise on other search engines such as Bing or Yahoo! but you won’t experience the same success as with Google Ad Campaigns.

The purpose of this article is to give you an overview of this service, how it works, and how you can get started using it for free.

What are Google Ads?

Google Adwords are online advertisements that are powered by Google’s Ad Network. They are usually text ads that appear on search pages or on publisher websites next to content related to your field of interest. There are two types of ad formats, text ads and display ads. Text ads appear in search results pages while display ads appear on publishers’ websites next to their related content.


What’s so good about Google Ads?

Google Ads is the most effective tool to advertise your business. Here are the best reasons why this strategy works.

Builds Brand Awareness

Google Ads help you build brand awareness faster than any other form of ad campaigns. With the help of rich tools offered in Google Analytics, your ad is able to reach your potential customer with the blink of an eye. Consumers can engage with your brand in a variety of ways, such as through watching videos, playing games, browsing your website, or interacting with other customers. 

With the help of Google ads Brand Engagement Campaigns, you can easily display your brand to multiple websites worldwide. It will enable you to get connected with your potential customers at the right place and time.  

Increase Website Visits and Generate Leads

If you have a well constructed website, but not able to generate enough leads then your business goals are not being achieved. Google Ads are optimized to help your business grow.  You can set your campaign goals and encourage customers to take the desired action. These goals can be either ‘sign-ups’ or ‘purchase now’ options. It can help you increase traffic to your website, generate leads or encourage customers to buy from you.

Google Ads help businesses reach your specific audience. The Google Ad strategies are so flexible that you can easily position yourself at the top of the SERP and boost website traffic. You can create interesting PPC Campaigns or bid higher on the keywords to gain the most clicks on your website.


Targets Potential Customers while they’re engaged

Google Ads help target customers who’re already on the look-out for a particular product/service. This increases their chance of buying.

For example, a person wants to buy sweaters. They will search for keywords like ‘winter clothes’, ‘sweater’ or ‘jacket’. The Google search result will show all the relevant ads that help the user complete their purchase. At the same time, it will get easier for brands to get connected with their potential customers. Google Ad simplifies the overall purchase journey for buyers as well as advertisers. 

With Google Ads, you can specifically target and reach users at the exact moment they’re interested. The right keyword optimization strategies can help you connect with your target audience at just the right time.

Google Ad Campaigns for Local Markets

As mentioned earlier, people search ‘near me’ locations on Google ads, for a particular product or service. Thus, there’s a good chance for a local business to reach their potential customers. According to a survey, 88% of clients who conduct a local search on their mobile phones visit their respective stores within a week.

Local Google Ad campaigns encourage small businesses to be more visible across all online Google platforms. This includes Google Maps, Google Search Network, YouTube and Google Display Network.

Morrisons, a leading supermarket in the UK, conducted a local search campaign. They aimed to promote the local food chains of the area. They organized a Local Foodmakers Campaign that helped local communities within the small distance of their stores present their food to a bigger audience.

google ad for local market

Quickly Generate and Analyze Results

Another noteworthy benefit of Google Ads is that you get quick, almost instantaneous results.

Once you have set up your Google Ads Campaign, it becomes easier for you to generate quick and effective results. Once you’re live, your ad is displayed at the top or bottom of the SERP, enabling you to be visible to your potential customers. Your paid campaign can reap out your desired results faster than the organic ways of marketing, like SEO.

Furthermore, it is also easier to measure and analyze the success of your Ad campaigns through Google Analytics. You can monitor your results and make necessary adjustments based on its performance. You have a detailed insight of your target audience. It can help you keep track of everything from click-through-rate (CTR), cost-per-conversion (CPC) to ad quality score and ad position ranking.  You can even keep track of your customers; their demographics, location and psychographics.

All of this information can help you make the most cost-effective marketing decisions. You can effectively back your opinion with data driven analytics, hence bringing the right results.

ads analytics

Are Google Ad Campaigns Effective?

After looking at the data and carefully analyzing the results achieved by companies, it is safe to say that Google Ad is an effective marketing strategy for businesses who want to grow online. Once your ad is running smoothly, it can bring out the best results and help you achieve your business goals.

You will only be able to optimize your website if it’s generating enough leads. In order for this to happen, it is crucial that you use the most widely known and used strategy that is Google Ads.


If you’re having trouble getting the greatest results from your Google Ad Campaigns, or if you don’t know how to set it up properly, don’t worry. Dexterous is right around the corner to assist you in creating a Google Adwords campaign that produces the best results.






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